Seguimos con el paseo de la entrada anterior, he descrito el recorrido en dos entradas porque si no se me iba a hacer muy largo. Nos dirigimos hacia la cuesta de San Judas. La Cuesta de San Judas, que nace de la prolongación de la Cuesta Zapateros, nos acerca a la Alcazaba de Antequera y a la Antigua Colegiata de Santa María, y ahí es a donde nos dirigíamos justo esa tarde.
- We continue with our walk from the previous post, I divided our visit in two posts because it was going to be too long. We headed towards the slope of San Judas. The Cuesta de San Judas, which starts in Cuesta Zapateros and brought us to the Alcazaba of Antequera and the Old Collegiate Church of Santa María, precisely that´s the one we are going to visit.
- And going up and up a slope where the Tronos de Semana Santa run during the Holy week, we reached the Arch of the Giants, a construction carried out by municipal initiative in 1585.
- At the beginning of the XVI the city of Antequera had experienced an important demographic development, so the bishop asked Pope Julius II to create a Collegiate Church to meet the religious needs of an expanding Antequera. During the centuries of its existence, the Royal Collegiate Church had a great influence on the social and cultural life of the city. When we went to see visit the Colegiata,, it was closed, but the view from there is awesome.
- Few places can boast of having a historical and cultural heritage as rich as that of Antequera. Deep in the heat of Andalucía, this city is host to over fifty monuments and archaelogical sites of extraordinary importance. The municipality also has one of the most astounding natural parks in the province of Malaga, El Torcal, but I´m living that for my next post.
- Walking around the city, we can also view several 16th and 17th century stately homes. A legacy of the Muslim period is the Alcazaba, originally erected in the 11th century as part of the city walls.
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