Here, we can find the bean we call "pocha negra"
Y de la alubia negra de Tolosa, muy conocida
And the black bean from Tolosa, very well known.
Estamos en la temporada de la primera y es la que voy a cocinar hoy.
Esta alubia es tan fresca, comprada con su vaina a mi casera, que no necesita ponerse a remojo desde la víspera.
Now it´s the season of the first one and that´s what I´m going to cook today.
This bean is really fresh , I bought it in the pod from my farmer, it´s so fresh that it doesn´t need to be soaked in water the night before.
1 kg 200g de alubia
2 zanahorias
1 cebolleta
1 diente de ajo
Aceite de oliva
Guindillas (no picantes)
Nota: La pocha yo la hago sola, pero si se le añade carnes, las hago en otra cazuela aparte.
Utilizaré tocino, chorizo y costilla de cerdo.
1kg 200g beans
2 carrots, peeled and chopped
1 spring onion, chopped
1 clove of garlic, chopped
Guindilla (sweet, not spicy)
Note: I cook this bean only with vegetables, but if you want to add some meat, pork and chorizo, I cook them in a separate pot and serve them together with the beans.
Limpiar las alubias y eliminar las que estan mal o cualquier piedra u otra cosa que haya.
Wash the beans and remove any pebbles or elements that doesn´t belong.
Freir la cebolla picada en la cazuela con aceite de oliva. Dorar
Stir-fry the chopped onion in the pot, with the olive oil until golden.
Añadir las verduras restantes, zanahoria y ajo.
Add the rest of the veggies, carrots and garlic
Throw them into the pot and cover them with water. Bring to the boil and simmer under low heat for 1 hour aproximately. If salt is neccesary you can add it later on.
Mientras tanto, coceremos en otra cazuela las carnes, el chorizo y el cerdo.
In the meantime, we will cook in another pot the meats, chorizo and pork.
Fry some guindillas
Probar. ¡Madre mía, esto está a punto de acabar!. Una comida maravillosa la de hoy, plato único. Una hora más tarde, la salsa está cremosa, mas gordita....
Taste it. Oh my!, this is almost done!. A delicious meal, oh yes, this picture was taken an hour later. The sauce looking thick and rich.
Y esto es todo, solo falta servirlo, comerlo y disfrutarlo.
And that´s all!, we have to serve it, eat it and of course enjoy it!.
Let´s put it closer so we can see it better
Incluso más cerca
Even closer
Buenísimas, pero yo me las tomaré solas que es como a mí me gustan.
Really good, but I´ll have them plain, without chorizo or any other meat, that´s the way I like them most.
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