This recipe is from Jamie Oliver, from his book Jamie´s italy. The original name of the recipe is "Sausage Carbonara", but I´ve used spaghetti instead of linguine, because I had a lot of spaghettis at home. When I was forming the sausage balls, this scene from the film "The lady and the tramp" eating the spaghetti with meatballs came into my mind.
4 salchichas
Aceite de oliva
4 lonchas de panceta, picadas
Pimienta negra molida
450 gramos de pasta, spaghetti o linguine
4 yemas de huevo
100 ml de nata líquida
100 gramos de queso parmesano rallado
La piel de 1 limón
Aceite de oliva virgen extra
Una ramita de perejil
4 good-quality organic Italian sausages
olive oil4 slices of thickly cut pancetta, chopped
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
500g dried linguine
4 large free-range or organic egg yolks
100ml double cream
100g freshly grated Parmesan cheese
zest of 1 lemon
a sprig of fresh flat-leaf parsley, chopped
extra virgin olive oil
Con un cuchillito, cortar la piel de las salchichas a lo largo y sacar la carne. Con las manos, formar unas bolitas hasta terminar con toda la carne.
With a sharp knife, slit the sausage skins lengthways and pop all the meat out. Roll little balls of sausage meat, place them to one side.
Heat a frying pan and add olive oil. Gently fry the sausage meatballs until golden brown.
Add the pancetta and continue cooking for a couple of minutes, until it’s golden. While this is cooking, bring a pan of salted water to the boil, add the pasta and cook according to the packet instructions.
Vamos a hacer la salsa ahora.
Let´s focus on the sauce now.
En un bol, batir las yemas de huevo, la crema, la mitad del parmesano y la cáscara de limón. Yo no he añadido el perejil, la receta original lo añade aquí.
Cuando la pasta está ya cocida, la escurrimos en un colador, reservando un par de cazos del agua de cocción y la mezclamos rápidamente en la cazuela con la mezcla de los huevos. Añadimos las bolitas de salchicha y la panceta y revolvemos todo muy bien. El huevo se cocinará lentamente con el calor de la pasta justo para engordar un poco ¡pero nunca cuajarse!. La salsa tiene que estar cremosa, ligera y sedosa.
In a large bowl, whip up the egg yolks, cream, half the Parmesan, the lemon zest and parsley. Well I haven´t added the parsley in here, the original recipe adds it at this point, but I didn´t do it.
When the pasta is cooked, drain it in a colander, reserving a little of the cooking water, and immediately toss it quickly with the egg mixture back in the pasta pan. Add the hot sausage meatballs and toss everything together. The egg will cook delicately from the heat of the linguine, just enough for it to thicken and not scramble!. The sauce should be smooth and silky.
If the pasta becomes a little claggy, add a few spoonfuls of the reserved cooking water to loosen it slightly.
Echar el resto de parmesano, rectificar de sal y pimienta si fuera necesario y añadir aceite de oliva virgen extra (yo tampoco se lo he puesto por las calorías extra), y servir. ¡Comer inmediatamente!.
Sprinkle over the rest of the Parmesan, season if necessary, drizzle with extra virgin olive oil (I haven´t drizzled with extra olive oil for the extra calories), and serve. Eat immediately!
ResponderEliminarQue linda la peli....
Me encanta Jamie Oliver y me encanta la pasta, así es que esta receta me gusta seguro! tiene una pinta buenísima.
parece bueno mira curioso ya es eso de las albondigas de las salchichas
ResponderEliminarq buena la apunto!!!a mi family seguro q les encanta!!!bss.esti
ResponderEliminarI don't make meatballs very often due to how much work is involved, but they are so worth it. These look delicious! Btw, Lady and the Tramp was my favorite movie growing up. :)