Recorridos 1 y 2
- Routes 1 and 2
- It´s cool to remember those places you´ve been to specially out of your city, and as I always repeat, it´s nice to enjoy the pre holidays, the during and the post. I´m going to show you a bit of the Sardinia I´ve visited, well you always come back thinking you should have visited this instead of that and that you wanted more, but believe me, I´m not going to change anything we´ve seen and I would repeat this holidays with my eyes closed, no doubt. Our first route was the one we took after we rented a car on our way to our hotel from Olbia airport in the north of the Island, towards our hotel located on the west coast. It lasted 2 hours, more or less, with a long stop for lunch where we started to try Sarda cuisine, which we have really enjoyed during this trip.
Restaurante en Nuoro - Da Gesuino Ristorante
Nos instalamos en el hotel en San Vero Milis, que es un pequeño municipio situado en la provincia de Oristano en Cerdeña, a unos 20 kilómetros.
- We checked in our hotel in San Vero Milis, a small comune {municipality}in the Province of Oristano in the italian region of Sardinia, 20 km away from our hotel.
- The truth is that when we arrived there, we thought we were in the middle of the countryside, in the middle of nowhere, but later on we realised that to be in Sardinia and at that area, recommended by my neighbours was the best option. During the summer, the most famous spots in the island, most of them in the north are impossible. It was really hot and there was nobody in the streets during the day but at night. Travelling by car, swim in any of the awesome beaches around, reading or ease in relaxation mode was the best we could do during the day.
- Oristano is located in the centre of the island, in the Sinis península. surrounded by lagoons and very very close to the sea, so it was the best option to visit the different beaches and hidden coves. It´s quite big and in acent years there was a defensive wall around the city, destroyed in the end of 19th century. It´s a must to visit the Duomo, the biggest Cathedral in Cerdeña, founded in the 12th century.
Centro de Oristano. Plaza de Leonor y la estatua de Leonora D´Arborea
- Centre of Oristano. Piazza Eleanora and Statue of Eleanora D´Arborea
La Torre de Mariano II marca el inicio de la zona peatonal del centro de la ciudad. Mas información aquí
- The Tower of Mariano II marks the beginning of the pedestrian street in the centre. More here
Recorrido 2, otro día
- Route 2, another day
Desde Is Benas en San Vero Milis hasta Alghero, el trayecto fue de unas 2 horas, por una autopista gratis porque es horrible. Tardamos en aparcar pero al final, tuvimos suerte, aquí hay que pagar pero puedes tener el coche durante bastante tiempo. Nos fuimos al casco viejo, suelen ser las zonas mas interesantes de las ciudades.
- From Is Benas in San Vero Milis towards Alghero, a 2 hours route. Motorways are fast and connecting major cities, well this one was free but horrible. It was hard to find a place to park but we were lucky to find one close to the old part of the city. I personally think they are much more interesting.
Alghero es uno de las ciudades mas bonitas de Cerdeña, desde luego para mí. La zona medieval de la ciudad está llena de murallas. La parte que da al mar cuenta con un precioso puerto del siglo XIII que se fortificó para defender a la ciudad de las invasiones que llegaban de la mar. Al casco antiguo se le conoce como La Barceloneta. La verdad es que somos latinos y se nota. Nos encanta colgar la ropa al sol. Tiene unas calles estrechas y llenas de adoquines, cuya inclinación te lleva hacia la bahía con esas playas de arena maravillosas. Muchos de los habitantes de Alghero descienden de los conquistadores Catalanes, así que no debe sorprender que haya gente que hable el Catalan en Alghero pues es una de las lenguas oficiales. La cultura y la arquitectura de la zona también tiene un trasfondo Catalan desde luego.
- Alghero is one of the most beautiful cities of Sardinia, at least for me. The medieval area of the city walls. The part facing the sea has a beautiful port from the 13th century which was fortified to defend the city of invasions coming from the sea. The old town is known as La Barceloneta. We love to hang-dry our laundry outside in the warm sunshine. Quaint town squares and narrow cobbled streets slope down towards the bay and sandy beaches. Many of the inhabitants are descendents of medieval Catalan conquerors and so Catalan is one of the official languages and the culture and architecture has Catalan overtones.
La posibilidad de realizar excursiones de un día cuando estuvimos en Cerdeña fué un puntazo la verdad, la proximidad de todos los lugares de interés hace que prácticamente puedas recorrerlos en unos días. Alghero desde luego es un punto que no puede faltar en ninguna ruta.
- The possibility of going on excursions during the day when we were in Sardinia was a highlight for us, the proximity of all the interesting places made it easy as we were able to visit them in a few days. Alghero of course is a city nobody should miss.
Antes del paseo comimos en Alghero aquí
- It was so hot and obviously not to have a walk tour, that we decided to go on a ship tour to visit the caves, including the Neptune´s cave. It´s funny about Neptune´s cave, we have one in Spain, in Cartagena. The trip was good, really good and for two hours we left the high temperatures behind. The walking tour inside the cave reminded me of that in Lanzarote in La Cueva de los Verdes or Drach caves in Mallorca, but we really enjoyed it and it was worth it. So after lunch, we headed to the port.
- Restaurant in Alghero here
- The Neptune´s caves are not only the most famous ones but also the largest ones. They extend for about 4 km, but for safety reasons, visitors can access only to a part of them. You can go there by boat but also with the bus or car and until Cabo Caccia and then go down the 656 stairs that take you to the cave, but don´t forget you have to go up again afterwards. It´s awesome to be able to admire the unique sight of colours and scents of the untouched sea. More about Neptune´s cave in here. Dolphins swam close to us during our boat ride.
- The trip to the cave and the visit takes about 2 hours and a half.
- We went back to our car, taking it easy and stopping by to have something to drink and of course, to take some pictures of the view.
- The truth is that we are fond of Alghero since the visit.
- Another interesting sites in Alghero to complete a one day tour would be Museo casa Manno, Museo Diocesano and Chiesa San Miguel, all located in the historic center of the Sardinia city, very close to the Santa Maria Cathedral. We ended up driving along the coast to go back to the hotel, the view was awesome. We stopped in Bosa to take a bite, it was our second time in Bosa because the day before we spent the day at the beach there, but I´ll write about beaches in some other post. I can´t describe the sunset there. Simply gorgeous.
- Located on a small hill, Bosa is a clear and unique sample for Sardinia, situated about two-thirds of the way up the west coast of Sardinia, next to a coastal river estuary. I´ll write about Bosa some other time.
Hola guapa, tu eres la reina de los viajes bonitos. Ya yo estaba esperando el reportaje y me he quedado embobada con las fotos, parecen de mentira, esas cuevas me han dejado anonadada, que bien te lo has pasado...Bess
ResponderEliminarDe verdad que preciosidad de lugar y entrada, las cuevas me han enamorado y esos mapas de ruta también. Cerdeña es un lugar muy bonito, lo tendré en cuenta. Besos
ResponderEliminarMaría Luisa, me encanta leer tus crónicas de viajes, lo cuentas todo con tanto detalle que parece que uno este viajando virtualmente, la pena es no poder probar de verdad esos platos tan ricos que os habéis zampado jajaja Me alegra mucho que lo hayáis disfrutado
Como siempre una entrada maravillosa que te invita a abandonarte y dejarte llevar en este caso por Cerdeña. Las fotos son impresionantes ¡acabo de enamorarme de nuevo!
ResponderEliminar¡Besos mil!
Que post mas bonito!besos