Un fin de semana de Junio. Zaragoza PARTE II
- A weekend in June. Zaragoza PART II
Empezaba el primer post de esta corta estancia con una foto desde la calle Alfonso I, que es la vía de acceso ideal a la plaza del Pilar. Sus edificios históricos son el perfecto marco a la basílica. Ahora nos encontramos en la Plaza del Pilar, que es orgulloso santo y seña del sentir zaragozano. A su alrededor hay también mucho que descubrir, arte mudéjar, pinturas de Goya, misteriosas cayejuelas y centenarios pasajes comerciales.
- I began the first post for this so short stay with a picture from the Alfonso I street, which is the ideal access route to the Plaza del Pilar. Its historical buildings are the perfect frame for the basilica. Now, we are in the Plaza del Pilar, which is a proud hallmark of the feeling of Zaragoza. Around it there is also a lot to discover, Mudéjar art, paintings of Goya, mysterious alleys and centenarian commercial malls.
- Our tour that day started with a visit to the Seo. There are many people who are surprised to know that El Pilar is also a Cathedral, which is a situation with a long story that is now summarized in a fact, two cathedrals and just one cabildo. To give you some information I will write that the word seo in Aragón already means Cathedral because it refers to the place of the seat of the Bishop, so we can use it for any city. The correct name for the Seo of Zaragoza is Catedral del Salvador or simply la Seo. More information in here. In Spain we have 6 cities with 2 cathedrals each. Vitoria, Zaragoza, Plasencia, Lérida, Cádiz and Salamanca though it was Zaragoza the first to have 2.
Situado en la Seo, el museo alberga una importante colección de tapices pertenecientes al Cabildo Catedralicio y que está considerada por los expertos como la más importante del mundo en su género. Está compuesta por 63 tapices flamencos y 6 reposteros de gran calidad, muchos de ellos de origen medieval y de estilo gótico, renacentistas y barrocos. En la actualidad, hay expuestos al público 11. Los tapices contaban muchas cosas del momento y considerando que había muchísima gente que no sabía leer, eran historias que se podían ver y eran muy importantes. Además de estos maravillosos tapices, hay muchas piezas de orfebrería, ornamentos sagrados y bustos relicarios. La sala es preciosa.
- We started our tour in a room which is the home to a major collection of tapestries belonging to the Cathedral Chapter. It isn´t allowed to take pictures inside, so I´ve taken some from the internet.
- Located in La Seo, experts consider to be the most important of its kind in the entire world. It comprises 63 Flemish tapestries and 6 pieces of heraldic embroidery. They are of very high quality, many dating from medieval times in the Gothic Style, while others are Renaissance and Baroque. There are currently 11 of these tapestries on show to the public. Tapestries told stories about the moment and considering there were many people who couldn´t read they had stories people could see and which were very important for that period of time. There are other items show to the public, precious metalwork, religious ornaments and reliquary busts.
En Diciembre del año 2001, la capilla de San Miguel, el ábside y el cimborrio de la Catedral del Salvador de Zaragoza, popularmente llamada "La Seo de Zaragoza", fueron declarados Patrimonio Mundial por la UNESCO como una de las arquitecturas mudéjares más representativas de Aragón. Además esta magnifica catedral tiene más que suficientes obras de arte, historia e interés para ser considerada visita obligada. Actualmente en el exterior de la catedral se pueden ver estilos arquitectónicos diferentes como el románico, mudéjar, gótico y barroco, aunque sus tesoros más importantes están en su interior.
- From the Tapestries home, we went to La Seo.
- In Decenber 2001, Salvador Cathedral, popularly called La Seo, was declared a World of Heritage site by UNESCO as one of the most representative Mudéjar architecture of Aragón. Besides, this remarkable Cathedral has more than enough arworks to be a must-see place. The present Cathedral has Romanesque, Mudéjar, Gothic and Baroque architectural styles which can really be seen outside the Cathedral, although its most important treasures are inside.
- The altarpiece of La Seo is from the 16th century, made of Alabaster, which is a typical material of Aragon. It´s not like marble, but it´s grateful to use because it works much better as it´s softer. An altarpiece is also like an open book, it also tells stories to people who weren´t able to read.
- La Seo is awesome, I was impressed to see the Cathedral inside.
- From La Seo, we headed to the Basílica del Pilar, which unmistakable appearance stands on the banks of the Ebro river and that for sure, for me and for more people, it´s Zaragoza´s icon. It is the largest baroque Church of Spain, also a stunning focal point of pilgrimage which is part of the Marian route.
- Inside the Basílica, the Holy Chapel with the image of the Virgen del Pilar, the altarpiece in Alabaster, the choir and the paintings that adorn the domes, which include two of them painted by Goya.
- And this photo of the outside of the Basílica taken from who knows where, and which is not mine but from Mabelle Imossi and that I´ve taken because I liked the way she took it.
- And all the candles I lit for my family and friends
- More information about the Basílica here. We passed by the Central Market, but it was closed. Then we were craving so we were to look for some tapas, which is also a way to enjoy the Zaragoza spirit. The most popular area is the old part of the city, specially Zona del Tubo, and plazas of Santa Ana, San Miguel and Santa Cruz. There are pretty interesting gastronomic routes around the center.
- And everything comes to an end, we ended visiting one of the most famous cake shops in Zaragoza. The confectionery Fantoba was opened in 1856. The shop is gorgeous.
- And everything they sell there is wonderful, their specialty, candied cherries that were gorgeous.
- Zaragoza has been like a festival for our senses. Culture and fiesta join together in this city that for sure everyone wants to return. We have to come back to see the lively squares we´ve missed, I will visit the Aljafería next time which is a gorgeous arab palace and not to forget to visit La Lonja, which was a market inside one of the most beautiful renaissance buildings in the city, which at the present is an exhibition hall.
- For now, I´ll thank SERBAN for taking care of us so well during that weekend.
Hotel en Zaragoza - Hotel Vincci Zentro
Ay esos "quesitos"...con lo ratona que soy me he enamorado nada más verlos en Instagram...
ResponderEliminarLa pastelería es una maravilla, de esas de toda la vida que de golpe y porrazo te transportan un montón de años atrás ¡adoro estos establecimientos!
Y bueno, esa vista de la Basílica del Pilar, desde el tejado ¡me ha fascinado! y aquí me tienes canturreando la canción de Los tejados y pensando que nunca los vemos y que también guardan su historia
¡Besos mil!
Siempre miro de donde podría sacar para sacar otros puntos de vista, pero supuestamente desde donde se ha sacado esta foto no había ninguna casa posible.
Un besazo reina
Sin duda ha sido una corta estancia por que solo duro el fin de semana pero anda que no le has sacado provecho a los dias que estuviste alli que de sitios has visitado ,maravillada me dejas con la Basilica del Pilar , a ver si puedo ir algun dia a conocerla ,hace años estuvimos en Teruel visitando unos tios y primos de mi costillo pero al final no pudimos ir a casi ningun sitio es lo que tiene estar en casa de la familia.
ResponderEliminarUn post precioso con el que me has enamorado foto a foto y lo bien que detallas todo.
Bicos mil wapisimaa.
Mereció la pena la verdad....¡GRACIAS POR TUS PALABRAS CARIÑOSAS!
EliminarUn besazo reina, el otro día en Madrid faltabas tu
Que post mas bonito es una autentica peciosidad todo!!besos
ResponderEliminarMenudo reportaje de Zaragoza que casi me pierdo, tengo muchísimas ganas de volver, además a mi marido le trae muchos recuerdos, porque es donde estudio, así que hay muchos rincones especiales para el, besazos guapa