- In today´s post I´m coming with a BEAUTIFUL city. Hvar in Croatia has been a huge surprise.
- Hvar in Croatia, is the queen of the Dalmatian islands, and has been famous since ancient times due to its strategic position, a particularly rich history giving rise to many cultural and natural monuments, and its literature.
Estilizada y montañosa, la isla Hvar cubre unos 300 kilómetros cuadrados fuera de la costa Croata. Un Puerto potente en el Adriático desde los siglos XII al XVIII. Hvar desarrolló un arsenal muy importante y un montón de fortificaciones que todavía hoy testifican aquellos días cuando la isla estaba en todo su apogeo.
- Rangy and mountainous, Hvar Island covers some 300 square kilometres off the Coatrian coast. A powerful Adriatic port between the 12th and 18th centuries, Hvar developed a significant arsenal and erected fortificatiions which today bear witness to those days when the island was at its peak.
- Do you know what? Hvar Town is estimated to draw around 20.000 people a day in the high season. It´s odd that they can all fit in the small bay town, where 13th century walls surround beautifully ornamented Gothic palaces and traffic-free marble streets, but fit they do.
- We visitors wandered along the main square, explored the sights on the winding stone streets, swim at the numerous beaches, but most of all, tourist come to party. Hvar´s reputation as Croatia´s premier party town is well deserved.
- Yet what really makes this place so charming is the blend of colours between the green peaks of the mountains, the cobalt blue of the sea and the purple lavender in the fields.
- We hired a walking tour around the city of Hvar. It was funny because it had never occured to me that we weren´t allowed to go into the Cathedral until the Mass was over, Stretching from the harbour to the cathedral, we walked along the St. Stephen´s square that at 4500 sq metres, it´s one of the largest old squares in Dalmatia.
- St. Stephen´s Catedral. This baroque cathedral was built in the 16th and 17th centuries at the height of the Dalmatian Renaissance to replace one destroyed by the Turks.
- If you have the chance to walk from the square to the north, passing the main city gate of Porta di datallo, ascending the stair through the old part of the city in which there are palaces built in the 15th and 16th centuries, through small bends that give out the aromas of Mediterranean plants. By the way, speaking about plants, there is one that grows between the stones on the walls of those ancient buildings, I had never seen before. It doesn´t need water, it grows alone, its caper´s plant.
- The city of Hvar is a unique fusion of luxurious Mediterranean nature, rich culural and historical heritage, and mundane, tourist present. The highest point in each city allows you to admire the best view.
- Markets are also on our list when we walk around.
- And back to the ship. We crammed in as much sightseeing as possible during our stay in Hvar.
- More Hvar
María Luisa, que bonita ciudad, parece un cuento de hadas, que preciosidad, ya me gustaría, pero te tengo a ti que nos enseñas estas ciudades tan bien que hasta me imagino allí jaja, hasta el mercado tiene que ser maravilloso por lo que veo, total un viaje de ensueño que has aprovechado maravillosamente bien.. María Luisa a ver si le mando un correo a Maite mañana, ando lida y aun no pude ver porque pasa eso con tu comentario, cuando sepa algo te lo cuento....Besitos