- Today is my baby girl´s birthday. She´s not one year old, or two...not even three......but 28!..I can´t believe this!.
Hace 28 años y 9 meses, estaba empezando un diario que duró aproximadamente unos 10 años. Tener los primeros años de su vida documentados ha sido fácil, siempre pensaba que si algo me pasaba, ella tendría al menos esa parte dentro de unos cuadernos que escribía cada día. El diario empezaba así. ¡Oficialmente estaba embarazada!.
- 28 years and 9 months ago, I started a diary that lasted aproximately 10 years. It´s been easy to keep records at least at the beginning of her life. I always thought that if something happened to me, she could read those notebooks that I wrote every single day. The first page began like this. Officially pregnant!.
- From that moment, everything was about an unknown creature. I must confess at some point I said I´d love to have a daughter...but the truth is that I didn´t care... I didn´t want to know the gender of the baby, I didn´t mind....We started with the room.. Later when she was born, I ended up exhausted and stressed to drop her a couple of lines each day. The yellow hippo was because we wanted to be non-sexist parents...something very silly to think ahead because when she had some criteria, she only wanted to wear pink and Barbie was her muse.....years later, she changed the Barbie for Wednesday Addams, but this is material for another post.
- Her first ultrasound. Wow, she´s really old, now ultrasound results come in 3D and you can see the baby sucking the thumb.
- I know which ones her priorities were at that moment. The first one, to have an absolutely devoted mother, who spent 24 four hours looking at her tiny face, no matter if she was a first time mother and couldn´t cope with things at that time, who was stressed, who felt like a cow and who was crying every single day and still doesn´t know why.
- The second one, to have some sort of scheduled for entertainment for those silly hours between 19.00 and 21.00, because if not...she started to cry as if she was possesed.....and for that purpose, she wanted a completely devoted father.....she was tired of me by that time, a father who by the way, did it beautifully because the crazy creature, called baby, with just a glance at him, stopped crying.
Tener todas las noches una cunita confortable, aunque esta nos salió viajera porque aun viniendo desde Eibar, llegó días después que la niña, vamos que la cuna nos salió con vida propia y se hizo una tournée por la península.
- To have a comfy cradle where to sleep every night was another thing she loved, well this one happened to have life. It was coming from a small village close to where I live but it didn´t arrive until days after the baby arrived home, well aparently, it made its own tournée around Spain.
Y poder ponerse todas las noches unos pijamas que compraba en Londres. Daba un gustito cogerle en brazos, estaba siempre tan suave y olía tan bien. Para ella todo esto era importante, y lo se porque siempre estaba contenta. Nunca olvidaré su olor.
- And to be able to wear every night those p´s I used to buy in London. Oh what a pleasure to hold her, she was always so soft and warm...and I won´t ever forget the way she smelled. Those were her preferences then, I know because she was always happy.
Cumplió un año y tuvo su primera tarta, se ve que no le gustó mucho porque no la quiso ni mirar, está claro que esa no era su tarta favorita. Por lo demás, aquel su primer cumpleaños estuvo contenta y muy contemplada, fué la primera hija, la primera nieta, la primera sobrina la primera de todo....imposible ser más. Pero ¿cómo no me pude dar cuenta del genio genético que iba incubando?.
- She had her first cake on her first birthday and I think she didn´t like it very much because she didn´t even look at it. It´s clear that wasn´t her favourite cake, but during that day, she was happy to have all the family around and be the first daughter, the first granddaughter, the first niece, the first everything.....she couldn´t be more contemplated.
Y cuando quiera, aquí estan sus diarios para leerlos.
- And whenever she likes, she has her diaries in here to read them.
Disfruté enormemente y con una sonrisa de oreja a oreja cada hora de las 8.760 horas de tu primer año de vida y he seguido disfrutando de las 236.520 horas restantes. Te quiero pichurrina, ¡FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS!.
- I really enjoyed, and with a broad smile on my face, every single hour of the 8.760 hours of your first year, and I also enjoyed the following 236.520. I love you very much sweet girl. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!.
Much´simas felicidades por ese pedazo de hija que tienes y, además por tu gran sensibilidad que derrocha amor a raudales..Un besazo enorme para las dos!
ResponderEliminarMuchas felicidades y que bonito recuerdo el de los diarios, seguro que le emocionará leerlos. Has expresado muy bien esa mezcla de felicidad y agobio del primer año de un hijo, es algo que no se olvida.
Muchisimas Felicidades!!precioso post!!besos
ResponderEliminarUn post precioso!! Muchísimas felicidades a tu hija.
Que bonito post por favor y que recuerdo tan bonito va a tener.Yo fui incapaz, soy la típica madre que no se acuerda de cuánto pesaron sus hijos y se olvida la merienda.Ambos tienen su carácter y la peque diría k más.Y tb adora el rosa que yo detesto.Tu hija se emocionará al leerlos.Por cierto, que bellezón.Un beso
ResponderEliminarQue bonito post por favor y que recuerdo tan bonito va a tener.Yo fui incapaz, soy la típica madre que no se acuerda de cuánto pesaron sus hijos y se olvida la merienda.Ambos tienen su carácter y la peque diría k más.Y tb adora el rosa que yo detesto.Tu hija se emocionará al leerlos.Por cierto, que bellezón.Un beso
ResponderEliminarAyyy, qué entrada más bonita Mª Luisa. Creo que has conseguido que todas las que somos madres, vayamos haciendo un recorrido mental a la vez que leíamos tu entrada.
ResponderEliminarSe me ha hecho cortísima, por cierto.
Qué pronto crecen y qué bien lo recordamos todo como si fuese ayer mismo.
Besotes mi niña, feliz semana.