A mi I. el arroz le chifla. No sabría decir qué receta es su favorita. Desde una "paella dominguera" hasta el "arroz a banda", pasando por un "arroz con bogavante" o simplemente un "arroz blanco".
My I. loves rice. I wouldn´t be able to say which recipe is his favourite. From a "Sunday paella", going through "Arroz a banda" , not forgetting "arroz con bogavante" (Rice with lobster), or just our simply "white rice" that we eat with a fried egg on top and tomato sauce.
Hoy, le he preparado un arroz con verduras que voy a poner aquí. ¡Le encanta!.
Today, I´ve made rice with veggies and I´m going to post it. He loves it!.
*In the Basque country, we cook simply. We rarely use spices and as in this dish, vegetables are cooked as they are, with a bit of virgin olive oil and salt and fried garlic to finish.
The type of rice I´ve used, it´s a Spanish medium grain rice, suitable for rice puddings, soups and daily rices like the one I´m cooking today. For paellas, our preference is Calasparra rice, which is a short grain rice that has been grown for centuries, around the town of Calasparra in the Murcia region of southeast Spain.
Después de esta pequeña aclaración para los que me leen en Inglés, empiezo con la receta.
After this small note for the ones who read me in English, I´ll start posting the recipe.
1 cebolleta
1 puerro
1 zanahoria
1 diente de ajo
1 pimiento morrón (previamente asado, si no, lo usaremos en crudo y muy picado)
3 hojas de lechuga
1 taza y media de arroz ( medida de taza de café)
4 tazas ( medida de taza de café) de caldo de verduras
Aceite de oliva
1 spring onion
1 leek
1 carrot
1 clove of garlic
1 red bell pepper (previously roasted in the oven, if not, use it raw and chopped)
3 lettuce leaves
1 cup and a half of rice (coffee cup to size)
4 cups (coffee cup to size) of vegetable broth
Virgin olive oil
Primeramente, picar todas las verduras y reservar.
First, chop all the vegetables. Set aside.
We´re going to stir fry the onion, the garlic and the leek until soft and tender.(If you´re using raw bell pepper, you´ll have to add it to the pan at this point). Then we will add the carrot and continue cooking a bit more. To finish, I added the lettuce leaves.
First, olive oil on the pan
Salteamos la cebolleta, el puerro y el ajo.
Cook first onion, leek and garlic
Añadimos la zanahoria y las hojas de lechuga.
And then the carrot and the lettuce leaves.
Ponemos a calentar las 4 tazas de caldo y echamos la taza y media de arroz en la sartén con las verduras. Revolver para que se mezcle bien.
We heat the vegetable broth (the size of 4 cups of coffee, not measurement cups) and we add the rice to the vegetables (I sized the amount of rice and broth with coffee cups, not measurement cups), stir a little bit to mix well the rice.
Añadimos el caldo que ya está caliente y ponemos a fuego vivo durante 12 minutos tapado.
We add the vegetable broth, and we put it to a high heat for 12 minutes covering it with a tap.
Mientras tanto, pelamos el pimiento morrón que hemos asado anteriormente y añadimos unas tiras para decorar.
In the meantime, I´m going to peel the red bell pepper and cut some long strips to put them over the rice to decorate. In the end, it will look like a paella.
Cover it until the 12 minutes are over.
Dejarlo tapado por otros 5 minutos más. Y estará lista para comer.
Switch off the heat and leave it there covered for another 5 minutes and it will be ready for lunch.
My I. ate quite well today. He went back to work very happy.
No hace falta que me diga que estaba bueno. No hace falta que me diga nada, solo con mirar la sartén ya se cómo estaba el arroz hoy.
No need to tell me the rice was good, just looking at the pan I can guess.
Yo calculo la medida de arroz por persona más o menos con una taza de café. Hay quien lo calcula con un cazo, o en gramos. Yo lo hago así y con la misma taza calculo la cantidad de líquido (agua o caldo) para añadir al arroz. Por cada taza de arroz, el doble + 1 de líquido. Así pues, para una taza serán 3 de líquido.
I calculate the amount of rice per person with a coffee cup, not a measurement cup. Others calculate it with grams or whatever. I do it that way, and with the same coffee cup I calculate the amount of liquid to add to the rice. For each cup of rice, we have to add the double amount + one more, so for 1 coffee cup of rice, we have to add 3 cups of liquid. So like in the recipe, for 11/2 coffe cups of rice, I´m adding 4 cups of broth.
ya veo ,ya ,tu I es igual que mi M ,le gusta el arroz de cualquier manera....probare ha hacerlo asi,un saludo!!!!
ResponderEliminarSounds absolutely delicious. Great tutorial too!
ResponderEliminarJajaja, pumuki..los chicos son arroceros....está buenísimo la verdad. Besos guapa
ResponderEliminarThanks to redmenace, your blog is awesome. And thanks for telling me the tutorial too, sometimes is difficult to express what our mothers taught us!!. Kisses.