We´re back already, after spending 4 great days in the South of Spain.
Hemos tenido de todo, buen tiempo, mal tiempo, cenas con amigos y relax. Mucho relax.
We´ve had fantastic weather but stormy and windy as well. Dinner with friends and golf. Basically a state of relaxation. (I don´t play golf myself).
There are a couple of things that get on my nerves when I come back from my holidays, where I pampered myself, basically without doing anything which is what I normally don´t do when I´m at home.
Una es llegar y empezar con la rutina de todos los días.
One is to go back home and start with my daily routines, some of them a pain.
¡Vamos a ser realistas!, para mí lo peor es el fregar. Te da una pereza que te mueres, sobre todo cuando terminas de comer y tu I. te dice: "Pirula, me voy a sentar un poco en el sofá antes de ir a trabajar". Hala, tú a fregar.
Let´s be realistic!, for me the worst thing inside a kitchen is to do the dishes. To have your sink full of plates to wash, well I hate it, specially when you finish eating your lunch or dinner and my I. tells you: "Pirula, I´m going to pamper for a while before going back to work". There you go, looking at your sink, ready to do the dishes.
In my family men have never done the dishes. I´ve only seen my brother in law S. doing the dishes properly, and recently my brothers J and E, (it must be something about the age or the simple little detail that they are married now). But my I. and my eldest brother V. have never done them in their lifes. One says he´s allergic to dish soaps and the other one not even that, he simply doesn´t do the dishes.
La otra cosa que me pone nerviosa también, es el estado en el que encuentro mis flores cuando vuelvo a casa.
The other thing which gets on my nerves too, is the terrible state I always find my flowers when I return.
Doesn´t anybody notice that my plants need water?. Nobody takes care of them as I do, that´s obvious.
Mis amigas podrán ver que de vez en cuando a mí también me pasa. Mis flores me echan de menos, será eso.
My friends will see that from time to time my plants look really bad. My flowers miss me, it must be that.
My flowers look much better today, and if I can´t avoid doing the dishes, at least I´ll do it in style!!.
Si la verdad, después de unos días de relax... te encuentras cada joyita por casa.... y cuesta mucho ponerse al día...
ResponderEliminarPero tu cuñado S. ya no friega como antes... te lo puedo garantizar, pero ese chollo se va acabar...