Cindy, an American who lives in south California sent me this meatloaf recipe her mom used to make. She passed away not so long ago, and I promised to remember her through this recipe.
La receta es fácil. Yo voy a hacer el pastel para comerlo hoy, pero dejaré lo que me queda para probarlo mañana y así veré si se puede hacer el día anterior. Pasado mañana añadiré una nota a la receta para saber si está bueno en días posteriores o no.
The recipe is quite simple. I´m going to make it for today´s lunch but I´ll leave some slices to try them tomorrow so I´ll check if we can make it the previous day. After tomorrow´, I´ll add a note to the post to tell you if the meatloaf was good or not.
200 gramos de pan rallado
1 cebolleta grande muy picada
1 pimiento verde grande muy picado
2 huevos
1 kilo de carne de ternera picada
4 salchichas de cerdo
1/2 vaso de leche
1/2 vaso de salsa de tomate
1 cucharada de mostaza
2 c breadcrumbs
1/2 c minced onion
1/2 c minced green pepper
2 eggs
1 1/2 p. ground beef
1/2 cup sausages - (she used a package of farmer john sausage links)
2 t horseradish
1 t salt
1 T pepper
1/4 c milk
1/2 c tomato sauce
1 t dry mustard - (she has used regular brown mustard in a pinch)
Calentar el horno a 200º. Preparar un molde tipo de plum cake.
Preheat the oven to 200º
Mix well the breadcrumbs with the onions and the green peppers. Beat the eggs in a bowl.
Add the meats into the beaten eggs. Mix
Añadir la mezcla de verduras y pan rallado a la carne.
Add the combined veggies and the breadcrumbs into the meat mixture.
If it looks too wet add a few more bread crumbs. If it looks too dry add a bit more tomato sauce or ketchup. Add the rest of the ingredients. Shape into loaf and put in cassarole dish or into a loaf pan. Bake at 40 minutes. Let rest 15 minutes.
Heat oven to 200 (400ºF) degrees. Mix bread crumbs, onion, green pepper. Beat eggs in a separate bowl. Add meat to eggs. Toss lightly. Add bread crumb mixture. Mix lightly. If it looks too wet add a few more bread crumbs. If it looks too dry add a bit more tomato sauce or ketchup. Add the rest of the ingredients. Shape into loaf and put in cassarole dish or into a loaf pan. Bake at 40 minutes. Let rest 15 minutes.
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